In honor of the Day of the Leaders of the National Revival – 1st November, the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies annually, due to the idea of Assoc. Prof. Petar Parijkov PhD, has held a National Scientific Conference with International Participation since 2003.
Since 2010, the conference has had a different slogan, but what’s common is the Revival Leaders words and science. Historically, the first scientific forum was organized by the College of Library Studies and Information Technologies (CLSIT), Zahariy Stoyanov Publishing House, the National Palace of Culture and the National Book Center (NBC) at the Ministry of Culture under the title "The Book: Future Tense in the Past!" on the Day of the Leaders of the National Revival 1st November 2003 The event took place in the National Palace of Culture with the participation of scientists and researchers in the field of book science, library and information technologies, writers, publishers, polygraphs, sociologists, experts, representatives of institutions related to the book, students, etc.
In 2004, the Second Scientific Conference entitled “The Book and the National Identity” was held. The National Palace of Culture was the host, and the co-organizers were the Specialized Higher School of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SVUBIT) together with Zahariy Stoyanov Publishing House, National Palace of Culture and National Book Center (NBC) at the Ministry of Culture;
In 2005, the Third National Scientific Conference with International Participation was under the motto “The Book and the Bookless Civilization” and was held once again in the National Palace of Culture. The conference was organized by the Specialized Higher School of Library Studies and Information Technologies in cooperation with Zahariy Stoyanov Publishing House, the National Palace of Culture and the National Book Center at the Ministry of Culture.
In 2006, the Fourth National Scientific Conference was held, which was first held with international participation and was named “The State of Spirit”. The choice of the title and the book of the same name was in line with the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician Dmitry Sergejevic Ljhachov. Organizers were the Specialized Higher School of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Zahariy Stoyanov Publishing House, the National Palace of Culture and the Directorate “Books and Libraries” at the Ministry of Culture.
In 2007 the Fifth National Scientific Conference with International Participation “Cyrillic in the Spirituality of the European Information Civilization” was organized under the leadership of Prof. Kristina Dencheva from the Specialized Higher School of Library Studies and Information Technologies together with the National Palace of Culture and Directorate “Books and Libraries” at the Ministry of Culture.
The Sixth National Scientific Conference with International Participation “Bulgaria in the Cultural Diversity of Europe” was organized in 2008. Organizers of this scientific and cultural event were the Specialized Higher School of Library Studies and Information Technologies, the Directorate “Books and Libraries” at the Ministry of Culture and the National Palace of Culture. At the opening of the conference Prof. Ph.D. Rumyana Zlatanova from the Institute of Slavistics at the University of Heidelberg, Germany was awarded the Honorary sign of SULSIT. She was awarded for her outstanding contribution to the dissemination of Bulgarian studies in the academic circles of Germany and the worthy representation of Bulgarian culture to the European cultural community. Also, Mr. Bozhidar Nikolov was awarded Dr. Honoris Causa of SULSIT for popularizing the Bulgarian culture around the world and for his contribution to SULSIT.
In 2009, the 7th National Scientific Conference with International Participation was held, entitled “Bulgaria - the Crossroads of Cultures and Civilizations”. The organizers were the Specialized Higher School of Library Studies and Information Technologies, the National Palace of Culture, the Directorate “Books and Libraries” at the Ministry of Culture;
The 8th National Scientific Conference with International Participation “Knowledge Society and 21st Century Humanism” was held in 2010. It was dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (2010), which is the successor of the College of Library Studies and Information Technologies (1997) and the State Library Institute (1950). Organizers of the scientific forum were the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies and the National Palace of Culture, where the conference was held.
The 9th National Scientific Conference with the International Participation “Knowledge Society and the 21st Century Humanism” was held in 2011. The Organizing Committee decided that the conference would be entitled this way as it is a center of science, education and culture. Organizer for the next year was the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, which fulfills its mission of a mediator between education, science and society, in cooperation with the National Palace of Culture.
In 2012, the Anniversary 10th National Scientific Conference with International Participation “Knowledge Society and the 21st Century Humanism” was held. The organizers were the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Due to the large number of scientists, researchers and specialists who wished to participate with academic papers, it was decided that the conference be held within two consecutive days, starting on 1st November - the Day of the Leaders of the National Revival. Hosts of the forum were the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
In 2013, for the eleventh consecutive year, the national scientific conference with the international participation “Knowledge Society and the 21st Century Humanism” was held again in two consecutive days. They were dedicated to two significant events in Bulgarian history and culture, namely the 1150th anniversary of St. Cyril and St. Methodius’ Great Moravian Mission and the 200th anniversary of the Assumption of St. Sofronii Vrachanski. The organizers of the forum were the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
In 2014, the 12th National Scientific Conference with the international participation “Knowledge Society and the 21st Century Humanism” was held, and its organizers were the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
In 2015, the 13th National Scientific Conference with the International Participation “Knowledge Society and the 21st Century Humanism” was held. It was dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the reception of the disciples of St. Cyril and Methodius by Boris – Michael and the acceptance of the Slavic alphabet in Bulgaria. Organizers of the scientific forum were the University of Library Science and Information Technologies and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
In 2016 for the 14th consecutive year the national scientific conference with the international participation “Knowledge Society and the 21st Century Humanism” was held. It was dedicated to the Day of the Leaders of the National Revival and 160 years since the establishment of the first Bulgarian Cultural Community Center in Svishtov, Lom and Shumen (1856 - 2016). Organizers of the conference were the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
In 2017, the 15th National Scientific Conference with the international participation “Knowledge Society and the 21st Century Humanism” was held, and its organizers were the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies and the National Library St. St. Cyril and Methodius. The Scientific Forum of the Day of the Leaders of the National Revival was dedicated to the 445th anniversary of the printing of "Various Needs" by Jacob Kraykov.
In 2018, for the 16th consecutive year, the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies organized the national scientific conference with the international participation “Knowledge Society and the 21st Century Humanism”. A partner was the National Library St. St. Cyril and Methodius, which hosted the official opening of the conference. It was dedicated to several important anniversaries marking the course of the historical and cultural development of the Bulgarian people - 1300 years since the epochal victory of Khan Tervel - the savior of Europe, over the Arabs under Constantinople; 170 years since the birth of the Bulgarian poet Hristo Botev; 140 years since the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman rule and 140 years since the founding of the National Library St. St. Cyril and Methodius.
The purpose of the conferences is to present and discuss the current problems in the development of science, with special attention to the metamorphoses and the hypotheses about the future of the book in the modern world. In this way, ULSIT seeks to combine the experience of the society gained over the years with the novelties and trends that are a driving force in the modern knowledge society. In this context, the denomination of the scientific forum is also deciphered, and in the years the sections and panels have been changed and enlarged, paying special attention to young scientists in science, post-doctoral students, PhD students and BA and MA students. Part of the official program of the conference is also the Academic Intertextual Axiology performed by representatives of the Student Scientific Society of the University.
Undoubtedly, the series of proceedings from the national scientific conference is an important part of the research and achievements of many scientists, researchers, young scientists, PhD students and students from Bulgaria and abroad. Since 2012, the proceedings “Knowledge Society and the 21st Century Humanism” has been registered with the ISSN 1314-7099 International Standard Serial Number for Periodicals. It is also included in the National Reference List of Contemporary Bulgarian Scientific Publications with scientific review of NACID.